Membership Application
Each representative from each institution must complete a membership form. Membership fees for 2024 are waived. Please complete the membership form by September 1, 2024.
Types Of Membership & Dues
Institutional Members
Institute of Higher Education | $100
- Institutional members are post-secondary career professionals that 1) affirm affiliation by annual dues payment and 2) the representative(s) assumes an active role in the planning and implementation of the sponsored activities of SDACCC.
- Includes 1 individual membership paid by the sponsoring higher education institution. Organizations may add additional individual members who work within the same organization for $50.00. Each representative is entitled to one vote.
- Institutional membership grants access to SDACCC employment consortium positions.
- The Legacy Professional Development Grant may be available for institutional members.
Associate Members
Education-Related, Service-Related, or Employer-Related | $75
- Associate members are education related, service related, or employer related individuals who 1) pay annual dues and 2) assume an active role in the planning and implementation of the sponsored activities of SDACCC.
- Associate members are not eligible to hold a position on the Executive Board.
- Associate members do not qualify for the Legacy Professional Development Grant.
- Associate members cannot receive consortium positions.
- Each individual is entitled to one vote.
Lifetime Honorary Members
Individuals who have provided significant contribution to SDACCC efforts, goals and purposes.
- Individuals shall be designated as Lifetime Honorary Members by the Board of Directors.
- There are no membership fees associated with this membership classification.
- Lifetime Honorary Members are not entitled to vote on SDACCC issues.
- Lifetime Honorary Members may not hold office unless they are a paid institutional member.
Lifetime Honorary Members
Inducted November 2023
Inducted January 2023
Inducted May 2022
Inducted June 2021
Inducted December 2020
Inducted May 2018
Inducted May 2017
Inducted May 2016
Inducted May 2014
Inducted May 2010
Inducted January 2003
Inducted January 2002
The goal of South Dakota Association of College Career Centers (SDACCC) is to serve as a connection between employers and post-secondary graduates.
SDACCC members include nearly all colleges, universities, and technical schools in South Dakota.
Professional Development
Leadership Opportunities
Employment Postings
Employer Relations
In order to operate in a manner which benefits students and their future employers, SDACCC depends upon representatives from member organizations to be actively involved in the projects of SDACCC.
Most professional development expenses are covered by member’s service to the organization, making the organization very affordable.
If there is inactivity or limited activity on the part of a member institution, meeting reimbursement and/or membership may be reduced, or denied.
Professional Development Grant:
The Legacy Professional Development Grant was established to provide financial support to current members of the South Dakota Association of College Career Centers (SDACCC) as they pursue professional development activities.